⌨️Keybinds and Commands

An official list of all in-game Commands and Key Binds available.

General Commands

All generalized commands that anyone and any department can use throughout the server!

  • OOC Local Message - /ooc

  • OOC Global mesage - /gooc <message>

  • LEO/SAFR/CIV Interaction Menu - M

  • Add-on Weapons Menu - /weapons

  • Add On Vehicle Menu - F5

  • Change Character - /fw or /framework

  • Change Voice Range (bottom right corner). - F11

  • iPhone - F6

    • Radio App - Right ALT to Speak

  • Third Eye - Left ALT

  • Chat View Mode - L

  • HUD settings - /hud

  • Hide In Dumpster - Third Eye LALT

  • Carry Player - Third Eye LALT

    • Drop Player - G

  • Open FiveM Scenes/DP Scenes - /scene

  • Addon Vehicle Menu - F5 or /vehmenu

  • Third Eye for Doors - LALT

  • Hood -/hood

  • Trunk - /trunk

  • Doors - /door 1,2,3,4

  • Delete Vehicle - /dv

  • Repair Vehicle - /repair

  • Disable Break Lights - /blackout

  • Windows

    • All Windows - /wind all

    • Front Windows - /wind front

    • Back Windows - /wind back

    • FL - /wind 1

    • FR - /wind 2

    • BL - /wind 3

    • BR - /wind 4

  • Slash Tires

    • Hold Out a Knife and go by a Tire. - E or /slashtires

  • Hide in Trunk - Third Eye LALT

    • Put Carried Player in Trunk - Third Eye LALT

Vehicle Door Locks

With our new vehicle Door Lock Script, you can now lock multiple vehicles, and will sync no matter where you are on the map!

  • Set Personal Vehicle - /mycar (Can Have Multiple Vehicles)

  • Lock Vehicle - Double Tap E

  • Unlock Vehicle - Walk up to Drive Door

  • Remove Personal Vehicle /dv

  • Manage Vehicle - /managecar

  • Business Script

    • Open up Business - /openbusiness

    • Business Directory and Manager - /businessdirectory

  • Media Camera

    • Get Camera - /cam

    • Get Mic - /mic

    • Get Boom Mic-/bmic

  • Beer Pong

    • Beer pong Setup - /createbeerpong

    • Beer Pong Help UI - /beerponghelp

  • Graffiti Spray

    • Spray Menu - /spray

    • Cleans up Spray - /removespray

  • Pool Table

    • Go to any Pool table and grab a cue off the wall

  • Basketball

    • Go to any the Basketball court and pick up a ball to start a game mode

    • Leave the game - /leavebasketball

    • Volume control - /basketvolume - 0-100

  • Camping

    • Camping Menu - /camping

  • Water Activities

    • Start most Activities with Third Eye - LALT

    • Exit Water Activity - F

    • Ends Water Activity - G

    • Build a sand castle - /buildsandcastle <1,2,3,4>

    • Banana boat Activity /spawnbanana

    • Paragliding Activity - /spawnparachute

    • Ring Float Activity - /spawnring1 or /spawnring2

    • Lounger Float - /lounger1 , /lounger2 , /lounger3 or /lounger4

  • Trains

    • Spawn Freight Train - /train freight

    • Spawn Metro Train - /train metro

    • Spawn Passenger Train - /train passenger

    • Spawn Train By Index - /train #

    • Delete Train - /deletetrain

    • Derail Train While Moving (Delete afterword's) - /derail

    • Emergency Break - Press SPACEBAR

Sit Anywhere
  • Hold ALT for Third Eye to Sit and Lay Down

    • Sit Down Keybind - J

    • Sit Down Command - /sit

  • Get up - X or Spacebar

Civilian Prop Menu/Object Spawner
  • Civilian Prop Menu

    • Open Menu - F7

    • Place Object - Select an Item, Position then hit E

    • Delete An Object - Enable Delete Mode from the Menu, go to an object then hit E

  • Object Spawner

    • Open Object Spawner for Vehicles - /spawner v

    • Open Object Spawner for World- /spawner w

    • Delete Closest object - /delete

    • Delete any spawned prop - /clearer

    • Place Object - ENTER

    • Soft Place Object - SPACEBAR

    • Stop Placing - BACKSPACE

  • Emote Menu - F4

  • Hand Up - /hu

  • Hands Up Knees - /huk

  • Piggyback Player - /piggyback

  • Hands up - Z

  • Point - B

  • Crouch - LCTRL

Attach Any Trailer
  • Attach trailer - J

    • Make sure Line up Trailer (Will Show Visible Markers) and be sitting in the vehicle!

  • Detach trailer - Hold H

    • Make sure to be sitting in the vehicle!

  • Manage Trailer and Vehicle - LALT (Third Eye)

  • Drive and Attach Vehicle Onto Trailer - J

  • Supported Trailers

    • Cargo Trailers

    • Car Trailers

    • Haulers

    • Boat Trailers

    • Static Trailers

    • Dollys/Jeeps

    • Double Trailers / B-Train Trailers

    • Cargo Planes

    • And More!

Weather Panel
  • Weather Panel - /weather-panel (Open Up the Weather Panel)

  • Change Weather - /weather <weatherType> (Change the weather. Available types: extrasunny, clear, neutral, smog, foggy, overcast, clouds, clearing, rain, thunder, snow, blizzard, snowlight, xmas, halloween)

  • Change Time - /time <hours> <minutes> (Change the time. Hours: 0-23, Minutes: 0-59)

  • Freeze Weather - /freezeweather (Enable/disable dynamic weather changes)

  • Set Morning Time - /morning (Set the time to 09:00)

  • Set Noon Time - /noon (Set the time to 12:00)

  • Set Evening Time - /evening (Set the time to 18:00)

  • Set Night Time - /night (Set the time to 23:00)

  • Toggle Blackout Mode - /blackout (Toggle blackout mode)


All LEO-related commands and Keybinds!

  • Cuff/Drag/Patdown/Drag/Put in Vehicle - Third Eye LALt

    • Cuff

    • Shackle

    • Pat down

    • Escort

      • While Escorting you can

        • Sit In Vehicle

        • Cuff to Small Object

    • Take out of Vehicle

    • Civilian Lockpick on Cuffs

  • Radar - F5

    • Radar Locks -F11 Toggles the radar key locks, which disables all keybindings for the radar

    • Front Radar Lock - NUMPAD 8

    • Rear Radar Lock - NUMPAD 5

    • Front ALPR Lock NUMPAD 9

    • Rear ALPR Lock NUMPAD 6

    • Close Menu - ESC

  • Luxart Menu - O

  • Toggle Lights - Q

    • Sirens - LALT

    • Blip Siren - R (Hold for long Blip)

  • Traffic Stop Command - /ts

Police Tools
  • Bodycam - M Menu or /bodycam

  • Emergency Alert System - /eac

  • Shield - M menu or /shield

  • Helmet - Enable a Helmet Prop

    • Toggle Goggles - PageUp

    • Toggle Goggles Vision - PageDown

  • Snakecam - M menu or /snakecam

    • Up - W

    • Down - S

    • Look Up - Arrow Up

    • Look Down - Arrow Down

    • Look Left - Arrow Left

    • Look Right - Arrow Right

    • Stop Cam - ESC, Backspace or Right Mouse Button

  • Pro Laser 4

    • Keybinds

      • Lidar Display - I

      • Change View - C

      • Clock Speed - LEFT MOUSE

      • Toggle Aim - RIGHT MOUSE

      • Open History/Scroll - RIGHT ARROW

      • Close History/Scroll - LEFT ARROW

      • Zoom In - SCROLLWHEEL UP

      • Zoom Out - SCROLLWHEEL DOWN

    • Commands

      • Toggle Display - /lidar

      • Clear Lidar Data - /lidarwipe

      • Add Lidar Gun - /lidarweapon

      • Move Lidar Display - /lidarmove

      • Reset Display - /lidarmove true

      • Records Tablet - /lidarrecords

    • For more information visit the Official Pro Laser 4 Documentation

Smart Taser
  • Taser Safety Mode: Z

  • Taser Arc Mode: X

  • Toggle Flashlight: Q

  • Toggle Laser Sight: E

  • Reactivate Cartridge One: Page Up

  • Reactivate Cartridge Two: Page Down

  • Reload Taser: /reloadtaser

  • Remove Taser Barbs: /removebarbs

Additional Information

  • Taser CID: Displays the number of cartridges and the safety mode status. The icon and battery indicator are cosmetic.

  • Reactivating Taser: Sends electricity back through connected barbs to ragdoll the suspect.

  • Barb Removal: Barbs are removed automatically if you move 25m away or manually using /removebarbs

K9 Script
  • Spawn/Remove Dog - /dog

  • Dog Actions Menu - /dmenu

  • Toggle Leash/Lead - /dheel

  • Attack Command - /dattack

  • Track Target - /dtrack <id>

  • Cancel Tracking - /dctrack

  • Scent Search - /dscent <DRIVER|PASSENGER>

  • Search Dropped Items - /dsearch drop

  • Search Player - /dsearch player

  • Search Vehicle - /dsearch vehicle

  • Cancel Item Search - /dcsearch

  • Teleport Dog - /dtp

  • Enter/Exit Vehicle - /dcar

  • Bark Command - /dbark

  • Hold Command - /dhold

  • Sit Command - /dsit

  • Lie Down Command - /dlay

  • Cancel Animations - /dogx

To Set Keybinds

  1. Go to Settings -> Key Bindings -> FiveM and look for rq-dogs. You can set bindings there!

  2. Another Option is to bind the commands. Click F8 and use the command bind KEYBOARD key "command". An example would be bind KEYBOARD L "e dheel"

2023 Bearcat
  • /tcnormal [turns extra 3 4 ON turns every other extra off]

  • /tcnormalstairs [turns extra 3 4 7 ON turns every other extra off]

  • /tcram [turns extra 5 ON turns extra 3 4 off]

  • /tcramstock [turns extra 3 4 ON turns extra 5 off]

  • /tcstairsup [turns extra 6 ON turns extra 7 off]

  • /tcstairsdown [turns extra 7 ON turns extra 6 off]

  • /tcscenefront [turns extra 11 ON]

  • /tsceneback [turns extra 12 ON]

  • /tscenefrontoff [turns extra 11 OFF]

  • /tscenebackoff [turns extra 12 OFF]

Shot Spotter
  • Display Shot Spotter Status - /shotspotter

  • Show Shot Spotter ID (JA+) - /showspotterid

  • Show Shot Spotter Position (JA+) - /showspotterpos

  • Change Shot Spotter Position (JA+) - /changepositiondata

  • Reload All Shot Spotter and Postion (JA+) - /reloadspotters

  • Placement Gun - /spawnnewspotter

  • Cancel Placement Gun - /cancelspotterplacement

  • Toggle Shot Spotter /togglespotter <id>


All Fire-related commands and Keybinds!

Start a Fire
Fire Tools
  • Set Up Stabilizers - /stabilisers setup

    • This will setup stabilizers on the nearest vehicle. You should stand at a right angle to the vehicle, with the vehicle to your left. This

  • Remove Stabilizers - /stabilisers remove

    • This will remove stabilizers setup on the nearest vehicle. The resource is fully synced, meaning other firefighters can remove stabilisers that they didn’t setup.

  • Spreaders - /spreaders

    • This will give you spreaders to use, run the command again to remove them. You can then walk up to a vehicle and an on-screen prompt will ask you to press Enter to force open the vehicle door, or press Spacebar to break off the vehicle door.

  • Setup Fan - /fan setup

    • This will setup an extractor fan in front of you, spawning the prop. After 20 seconds, all smoke and particles in the area will be removed.

  • Remove Fan - /fan remove

    • This will remove a nearby extractor fan. The resource is fully synced, meaning other firefighters can remove fans that they didn’t setup.


All DOT-related commands and Keybinds!

  • Sign Trucks

    • Lift sign - Left CTRL

    • Lower sign - Left SHIFT

    • Switch signs - 1, 2, 3, or 4

    • Turns off sign - 9

    • Toggles sound activation - 0

    • Q button - Turns on lights.

  • Recovery Truck:

    • Setup Movable Parts - /setupvehicle

    • Reset Moving Parts - /resetvehicle

      • Up/Down for first rotating piece - W/S

      • Left/Right for base piece - A/D

      • Up/Down for second rotating piece - Arrow Up/Arrow Down

      • Spin the hook - Arrow L/Arrow R

      • Extending pieces - Shift/Ctrl

      • Outriggers in/out - Page Up/Page Down

      • Outrigger feet up/down - Home/Insert

      • Tilt Crane End - H/Y

Shared Department Resources

All Resources Shared Between Multiple Departments.

  • Open Helicam - E

  • WIP

  • Show CAD - /showcad

  • Refresh CAD UI - /refreshcad

  • Send Traffic Stop to Dispatch - /ts

  • Respond/Attatch to Call - /rcall

  • GPS Autolock to Dispatch Postal - /togglegps

  • Enable CAD Bodycam - /sbodycam

  • Set Unit Status - /setstaus

  • Register Car Jacked Vehicle to AI - /regcarjacking

  • Register Stolen Parked Vehicle to AI - /regparkedvehicle

Police/Construction Radar Trailers
  • Radar Trailers

    • Toggle Radar Trailer - /togradar on/off

    • Set Radar Speed -/radarspeed 45

    • Which Side the Trailer Reeds - /radarside left/right

    • Spawn Codes

      • Police - speedtrailer1

      • Work Trailer - workzone1

  • Auto Flagger

    • WIP

AI Traffic Controllers
  • Scene Menu - Used to Stop More Traffic, Place Props ETC

    • Open Up Menu - M Menu

  • Traffic Controller - Props that will Redirect Traffic.

    • Opens the Traffic Management Menu - /traffic

      • Prop Controls

        • Places a Object on the ground - E

        • Removes the flare from your hand, stopping placement. - X

        • Removes one object from the ground and picks it back up - DEL

      • Prop List - Note: All Can Be Spawned in the Menu

        • Flare - /traffic or /flare

        • Cone - /traffic or /cone

        • Pylon - /traffic or /pylon

        • Barrel - /traffic or /barrel

      • Flagger - /flagger or /barrel

      • Flips the sign between STOP and SLOW; traffic will obey. - E

      • Temporarily lifts the effect on traffic X

        • Reinstates Flag - E

      • Removes the sign from your hand, stopping the flagman effect. - DEL

Radio Animation Menu

Notice: Before doing anything, disable the Sonoran Radio Animations with /radiotalk

How to Setup Radio Animations

  1. Access GTA Settings:

    1. Open your GTA game and navigate to the settings menu.\

  2. Navigate to Keybinds:

    1. In the settings menu, select the "Keybinds" option.

  3. Select FiveM Keybinds:

    1. Within the Keybinds section, find and select the "FiveM" category.

  4. Find and Set the Radio PTT Key:

    1. Locate the "BigDaddy-RadioAnimation Radio PTT Key" setting.

    2. Set this key to match the PTT (Push-to-Talk) key that you use for Teamspeak

  5. Open the Radio Animation Menu:Use the command /radioanim in the game to open the Radio Animation menu.

All Commands

  • Opens Menu/Toggle the radio on/off - /radioanim

  • Toggle radio clicks on/off - /radiosounds

  • Switch to shoulder radio animation and toggle it on if not already on - /shoulderradio

  • Switch to chest radio animation and toggle it on if not already on - /chestradio

  • Switch to handheld radio animation and toggle it on if not already on - /handheldradio

Last updated